Phone Consultation & Intake Interview –

I structure the initial part of therapy with a 20-minute free phone consultation. If you decide to further explore therapy with me, we will schedule an intake session at my office.  The session will last 50 minutes, at that time you will determine if therapy with me is right for you. Please contact me and we can find a time to talk.

Session Structure –

Individual sessions are 45-50 minutes in length. Once a week is typical for most people, however during certain periods twice a week is an option too. We will work together to find a time that is right for you and work around vacations and holidays.

Office Policies –

Part of the intake session includes reviewing office policies like scheduling and cancellations, contact information, and confidentiality. We will review all forms together.

Fees & Insurance –

Rate is $150/session.  Payment for sessions is due on the day of service.  I accept cash, check, Venmo and Mastercard and Visa.  I accept AETNA, Cigna, and Optum insurance.  If you carry other insurance, I can provide with a receipt to submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement.